The modular Cloning Platform XT fully automates the single-cell cloning workflow featuring ultra-low volume culture chambers.
The isoCell-96 features an integrated 96-well plate for the seamless and automated transfer of clonal cultures from miniature cell culture chambers into 96-well plates. The instrument also removes all tedious pipetting work from the user, dispenses cells, exchanges culture medium and harvests clonal cultures. With the isoCell-96, cells are handled using low pressure and low shear forces. Together with optional heating it delivers exceptional cell viability.
The isoHub imaging system automates navigation through our miniature cell culture chambers and lets you review clonal outgrowth in a single click using whole-chamber imaging. The SCAI system automatically identifies single cells after plating in miniature cell chambers and provides documentation with whole-chamber images. Following clonal outgrowth and transfer of clones into 96-well plates, the system provides a clonality report for each clone for full transparency from start-to-finish.
The Cloning Platform XT features a CoolLED pE-4000 illumination system for fluorescence microscopy. Easily detect commonly used fluorescent molecules (GFP, RFP, DAPI, and more) thanks to the system’s 4 channels, 16 LED wavelengths, and a user-friendly control pad.
Want to find out more about our single-cell platforms? Contact one of our knowledgeable experts today, visit our resources page, or request a demo to see the platforms in action.