Generation of iPSC lines with SLC16A2:G401R or SLC16A2 knock out

Katarzyna Anna Ludwik, Robert Opitz, Sabine Jyrch, Matthias Megges, January Weiner, Dieter Beule, Peter Kühnen, Harald Stachelscheid

The X-linked Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS) is characterized by severely impaired psychomotor development and is caused by mutations in the SLC16A2 gene encoding the thyroid hormone transporter MCT8 (monocarboxylate transporter 8). By targeting exon 3 of SLC16A2 using CRISPR/Cas9 with single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides as homology-directed repair templates, we introduced the AHDS patient missense variant G401R and a novel knock-out deletion variant (F400Sfs*17) into the male healthy donor hiPSC line BIHi001-B. We successfully generated cerebral organoids from these genome-edited lines, demonstrating the utility of the novel lines for modelling the effects of MCT8-deficency on human neurodevelopment.

Stem Cell Research 73 (2023) 103256

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